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Welcome Page & Resources

Welcome to Educational Services!

Educational Services encompasses the heart of education. As such, Sonoma Valley Unified School District in partnership with parents, staff, students and the community has adopted rigorous content standards that specify what students should know and be able to do at each grade level. Using these standards as our guideline, we employ research-based practices to implement a challenging, integrated core curriculum that meets the differentiated needs of our students and is evaluated by a comprehensive assessment plan. On-going professional development enables teachers to refine their practice, creating classroom experiences and learning environments that foster success and positive feelings about learning.  The goal is for all students to graduate ready for college or their chosen careers.


Office hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM. Phone number: (707) 939-4895


  • svusd students
  • svusd students
  • svusd students
  • svusd students

Educational Services Team