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Educational and Career Resources

Educational and Career Resources

In this section, you will find a wide range of resources for transition, education, and career planning. Access support from state and county organizations, explore academic and technology aids, and discover services for specific disabilities. This section offers essential tools and information for families, educators, and administrators involved in special education.

  • Petaluma Adult School

    Petaluma Adult School provides a variety of classes designed for the busy adult schedule, as well as career and technical education.
    “Petaluma Adult School is an integral part of the Petaluma City Schools. We provide high-quality instruction to our diverse community of adult learners to achieve family, workforce, and personal goals.” - PAS Mission Statement

    California Career Zone

    California CareerZone is a proven, successful career exploration and planning system designed especially for students. Jobseekers, educators, and counselors will also benefit from the wealth of information on 900 occupations from the Occupational Information Network (O*Net) database.

    California Career Center

    The California Career Center (CalCC) is a career planning website with tools to help students map their future, whether looking ahead to college, apprenticeship, the military or other options. CalCC is focused on resources for students but also contains resources for counselors, parents, teachers, in short, anyone interested in developing the career self-management skills necessary in today's world of work.

    California Career Resource Network

    The California Career Resource Network (CalCRN) provides resources for anyone interested in developing the career self-management skills necessary in today's world of work.

  • California Department of Education, Special Education Division

    The California Department of Education, Special Education Division website provides all the latest information regarding state initiatives, legislation, policy, and resources.

    Diagnostic Center, Northern California

    Diagnostic Center services are provided by expert, interdisciplinary teams of diagnostic professionals, including educational specialists, speech and language specialists, transition/secondary specialists, school psychologists, clinical psychologists, and pediatricians who address the unique educational needs of Northern California's most difficult-to-serve students enrolled in special education programs.

    Sonoma County Office of Education

    As one of 58 county offices of education in California, the Sonoma County Office of Education (SCOE) provides leadership, support, and fiscal oversight to all the school districts in Sonoma County.

  • Center for Academic and Reading Skills

    Staff at an applied research center at the University of Houston Medical School with a special interest in reading disabilities and successful interventions developed this site.

    Center for Effective Collaboration and Practice

    This is a federally-funded resource for information on services and practices that work for children and youth with emotional or behavioral challenges.

  • Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST)

    This state-of-the-art site is devoted to exploring the uses of technology to support achievement for students with exceptional needs.

    iPad Education Apps

    Get a comprehensive list of educational iPad Apps from SCOE.

  • Council for Exceptional Children

    The Council for Exceptional Children is the largest professional organization devoted to children with disabilities. The website provides a wealth of information regarding IDEA, national and state conferences and workshops, federal legislation and policy issues, publications and products, career connections, and the ERIC Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education.

    Council for Learning Disabilities

    CLD is one of the largest professional support and advocacy organizations for learning disabilities in the country.

    International Dyslexia Association (IDA)

    IDA is the largest organization devoted to reading disabilities (dyslexia). The site provides many useful documents, links, and related information for parents and professionals.

    LD Online

    This specialized site is devoted to issues related to Learning Disabilities. Very current information, updated daily, with links to every major learning disabilities organization in the country.

    Learning Disabilities Association of California

    LDA-CA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit volunteer organization of parents, professionals, and adults with learning disabilities. Its purpose is to promote and support the education and general welfare of children and adults of potentially normal intelligence who manifest learning, perceptual, and/or behavioral handicaps.

    National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities

    The National Information Center is a clearinghouse for information regarding programs for children with disabilities. Over 400 overheads regarding IDEA implementation are available for training purposes.

    National Institute of Child Health and Human Development

    NICHD is part of the National Institute of Health and sponsors research related to learning disabilities and other reading/literacy related issues. The site includes excellent summaries of research findings, publications for parents and professionals, and conference information.

    Schwab Foundation for Learning

    The site of the largest learning disabilities-related support organization in California is loaded with useful information. Links, documents, and more.

  • Early Start Home Page

    This section of California's Department of Developmental Services website provides basic information about the state's Early Start program.

    Education Apps

    The Sonoma County Office of Education web site has an extensive list of educational apps for the iPad available.

    Zero to Three

    This is an award-winning website designed for parents and professionals involved with children from birth to three years of age.

  • Federal Office of Special Education

    The Federal Office of Special Education Programs website provides the latest information regarding national special education issues. The site includes a training kit with overheads on IDEA implementation. Information regarding federal grants and a database of over 1,200 projects funded by the department are available.

    IDEA Partnership

    The IDEA Partnership is dedicated to improving outcomes for students and youth with disabilities by joining state agencies and stakeholders through shared work and learning. It reflects the collaborative work of more than 55 national organizations, technical assistance providers, and organizations and agencies at state and local level.

    Western Regional Resource Center

    This is a federally funded clearinghouse/regional center to support special education, IDEA implementation, and related issues.

  • Matrix Parent Network and Resource Center

    Matrix Parent Network and Resource Center is a non-profit organization for families of children with disabilities. Founded in 1983, it serves families in northern California, primarily in Marin, Napa, Solano, and Sonoma counties. Recognizing that parents are the best advocates for their children, Matrix strives to strengthen the supportive and advocacy roles of parents by offering support, information and training.

    Parents Helping Parents (PHP)

    PHP is a comprehensive, not-for-profit family resource center run for and by parents of children with special needs.

  • Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports at the University of Oregon

    Created by the federal Office of Special Education Programs and the University of Oregon School of Education, this site provides the latest research and practice information on Positive Behavioral Support for children and adults with disabilities. This site also contains conferences for regional professionals and parents to share thoughts, knowledge, and experiences.

    Positive Environments, Network of Trainers (PENT)

    PENT is a California Positive Behavior Initiative designed to provide information and resources throughout California for educators striving to achieve high educational outcomes through the use of proactive positive strategies.