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School Bus Safety Information

School Bus Safety Information

To ensure the safety of all students, it is crucial to follow the established bus safety rules and responsibilities. This section provides detailed guidelines on how students should conduct themselves while riding the bus, as well as important information for parents and guardians. Please review these rules carefully and discuss them with your children to help maintain a safe and orderly environment for everyone.

Safety Rules and Responsibilities

By law, students must remain seated at all times, must keep all body parts and objects inside the windows of the bus, and must follow all directions of the driver.

We all have a responsibility when it comes to school bus safety. Make sure your children know and follow these rules:

  1. Arrive at the bus stop 5-10 minutes before the scheduled pick-up time.
  2. When waiting for the bus, wait in a safe area.
  3. Always walk. Never run to or from the bus.
  4. Stand back from the curb.
  5. Wait until the bus doors open before approaching the bus.
  6. Don't push or shove.
  7. Stay in your seat & always wear a seatbelt.
  8. Don't yell or shout.
  9. Never crawl under a bus.
  10. Students will follow all directions of the bus driver.
  11. No food or drinks are allowed on the bus.
  12. Explain about the Danger Zones


Meet the Bus
Coordinate with other parents to ensure an adult is present at the bus stop every day, especially when children under the age of nine are present.


Remove Drawstrings
Clothing your children like may not always be safe. Drawstrings can be caught in playground equipment, fences, school bus doors and escalators. Remove, shorten or replace drawstrings with another kind of fastener.


Transportation Guidelines
The bus driver tries to stay as close to the designated pick-up and drop off times as possible. To ensure punctual bus transportation, please follow the rules listed below.

  1. Students and parents/guardians will need to be at the designated pick up/drop off spots at least five (5) minutes prior to pick up/drop off times.
  2. The bus will not wait past the designated pick-up time.
  3. The bus will not stop if students are waiting in cars or at an undesignated spot.
  4. If there is no one there to pick up your child, the bus will take him/her back to school. The bus will not wait for you to arrive nor will it make a second attempt to drop them off.
  5. No skateboards, pets or animals will be transported on the bus.

A diagram showing the most dangerous areas around a school bus.