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Facilities Master Plans 2017

Facilities Master Plans 2017

2017 Master Plan Update

At the June 6, 2017 Board Meeting Trustees were presented with updated Master Plans, which includes each site priority lists with the project costs.   This document was used to prioritize projects  to be funded out of the 2016 Bond.  The final Project Implementation Plan was approved by the Board of Trustees at their September 12, 2017 Meeting. 




SVUSD embarked on Facilities Master Planning in 2011 for all SVUSD school sites with the exception of Sonoma Valley High School (SVHS). The master planning process for all campuses (other than SVHS) was started in preparation for Measure H (a General Obligation Bond which was passed by voters in November 2010). At that time, SVHS was in the process of reconfiguring a number of programs and a decision was made to wait on the master planning process at that site until they had a more complete vision for programming. They are now ready to move forward and facilities master planning for SVHS site began in October 2014.

The facilities master plans are a road map for future improvement at each school site. Each plan is a vehicle by which SVUSD can keep track of site priorities. Master plans, are by nature, living documents and will be reviewed and updated as needed. The site plans address the following:

When looking at site needs (in the above categories), Deferred Maintenance funds and Measure H funds will be used to pay for some, BUT NOT ALL, of the projects outlined in the master plans. Future funding may include local general obligation bonds and/or statewide bond initiatives.

  • Mandatory Improvements – bringing the campuses into conformance and to resolve other safety issues
  • Green Technology – reducing the campus’ consumption of natural resources while improving the learning environment
  • Necessary Improvements – preserving the campuses and providing necessary classroom and technology upgrades
  • Desired Improvements – accommodating educational program changes and providing building additions