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Series 2017 Bonds - Measure E

Measure E

Measure E

With rigorous academic programs and dedicated teachers and staff, Sonoma Valley Unified School District (SVUSD) strives to continue our community’s tradition of quality education. While our students excel, many of our local schools are between 50 and 94 years old and have aging classrooms and science labs that need to be upgraded for safety and to support quality academic instruction.

In order to make the needed repairs and updates, the SVUSD Board of Trustees placed Measure E, a $120 million bond measure, on the November 8, 2016 ballot to keep students warm, safe and dry and modernize classrooms, labs and school facilities to support 21st-century instruction.

Measure E includes strict fiscal accountability provisions, including that all funds would be required to stay in SVUSD schools and could not be taken by the State, and would have an estimated annual cost of $42.50 per $100,000 in assessed (not market) property value.


Measure E: A $120M Upgrade to Schools

Full text of Measure E

View document here

The Measure E bond passed in November 2016. This bond measure will generate $120 million in locally controlled funding to repair and update classrooms and school facilities, and provide the instructional technology critical to a modern education.

The measure will:

  • Repair or replace leaky roofs
  • Improve student access to computers and modern technology
  • Repair or replace deteriorating plumbing and sewer systems
  • Replace outdated heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems
  • Make energy efficiency improvements
  • Improve physical education facilities for student safety
  • Modernize and construct classrooms, restrooms and school facilities
  • Make health, safety and handicapped accessibility improvements

Measure E Information