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Projects: Sonoma Valley HS

Projects: Sonoma Valley High School

SVHS Library Renovations

Preconstruction: 2018
Construction: Completed
Funding source: Measure E

New Carpet, Paint, Furniture and Technology

SVHS Renovate Career Technical Shops and Culinary Classrooms

Preconstruction: 2019
Construction: Complete
Funding source: Measure E

Culinary classrooms renovated to provide new 21st Century CTE flexible Classrooms and Shops. Renovation of the Ag, Wood, Metal shops deferred. 

SVHS Athletic Field

SVHS Athletic Fields Project Photographs by Keith Flood 

Preconstruction: 2019
Construction: Completed
Funding source: Measure E

Renovate the existing baseball and softball fields and include all weather soccer & football field with lights and bleachers. Including Team rooms amd Consession room.

SVHS Pool 

Preconstruction: Current
Construction: 2022
Funding source: Measure E

Provide pool and associated storage and support facilities.

SVHS Science Wing Modernization

Preconstruction: 2021
Construction: 2023
Funding source: Measure E

Renovate science building to support technology and 21st century science programs 

SVHS Drop Off

Preconstruction: 2017
Construction: Deferred
Funding source: Measure H

Create a new drop off and parking loop at the front of the campus to keep parents from driving through student parking for safety.

SVHS Golton Hall Modernization_Deferred

Preconstruction: 2023
Construction: 2025
Funding source: Measure E

Renovate Golton Hall classrooms. Will include heavy accessibility improvements, including an elevator.