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Preschool and Kindergarten

Going to preschool and kindergarten is exciting. It is the beginning of the road to college. We want our students to know that school is important. They need to go to school every day and arrive on time. Keep your child home only if s/he is sick.


Literacy Goals

  • Name all upper and lower case letters.
  • Discuss stories by drawing, talking and writing.
  • Write his/her first name.
  • Learn to make friends and follow directions.
  • Read sight words and simple sentences.

Math Goals

  • Identify numbers and count to 30.
  • Use objects to demonstrate addition and subtraction.


Homework For Families

Stay involved

  • Talk to them about school and ask them questions about school:
  • What did you learn today?
  • What is your favorite book?
  • What good question did you ask today?



Read to your child every day - picture books, books with words in
English, Spanish or other languages.
Attend Back to School Nights, Parent Conferences, Open Houses and
Parent Education Nights.
Call your child’s teacher if you have concerns and questions.
Save for college. Begin thinking about how to save for college.

Keep track! Little things make a big difference!

  • Have an early regular bedtime.
  • Have a morning routine of getting dressed, eating breakfast and
  • being prepared for school.
  • Pack your child a healthy snack.