Now it is time to make sure you are on the college track! These years are less about checklists and more about parents being there – helping their young adults, tracking their progress, and getting them help when they need it.
Success during these first three years of high school is crucial to preparing your student for college. A lot of important work needs to get done before senior year. Students need to earn at least C’s and above in all their high school classes.
Students are preparing for several exams essential for getting OUT of high school and getting INTO college. We will be sending you information on these exams when they are offered for your student.
Remember the essentials
Your student will need to be studying and reading 2-3 hours a night. Emphasize the need to master reading, writing, and math skills, which are essential to college success.
Make sure your student accesses writing and math tutoring programs that are available at school. You can call your student’s teacher for additional help.
Talk and Listen
Keep lines of communication open. Celebrate successes and accomplishments. Hear the fears; understand the struggles. Talk to your student about his/her day. Ask the school for support if you need help.
Time to Make a College Plan
Attend Parent University to understand the college options: Junior College, State College or a University. What’s the difference? How does your student apply? How does your student prepare to be accepted? If you haven’t visited campuses, now is the time. Attend the College Preview Days at Sonoma Valley High School.
This is an important time for your student to succeed in school and to prepare to go to college. School, homework, and study must be your student’s priorities over household obligations and jobs. School must come first!