Associate Superintendent Rena Seifts Phone: 707-935-4249 |
Administrative Assistant to the Associate Superintendent Margaret Ludlow Phone: 707-935-4249 |
Manager Business Services Harrold Wigg Phone: 707-935-4249 |
Administrative Secretary Johannah Fichtenberg Phone: 707-935-1614 |
Accounting Technician - Accounts Payable Summer Elliott Phone: 707-933-4021 |
Accounting Technician - Accounts Receivable Annette Albini Phone: 707-935-4215 |
Payroll Analyst: Last Names A-L Melanie Smith Phone: 707-935-6095 |
Payroll Analyst: Last Names M-Z Lynnea Spencer Phone: 707-935-6009 |
This document provides an overview of the Sonoma Valley Unified School District's adopted budget for the 2024-25 fiscal year. It includes financial summaries, multi-year projections, and details on revenue sources and expenditures. The budget aims to ensure fiscal stability while maintaining high-quality educational opportunities for all students.
The committee ensures that bond funds are used wisely for school improvements, such as building new schools, upgrading existing facilities, and purchasing land. Importantly, bond funds are not used for everyday school operations like salaries or ongoing expenses.
Sonoma Valley USD levies developer fees on new, remodeled, and additional residential and commercial projects to fund school facility improvements. Review fee rates, application procedures, and detailed information on how these fees support our schools. Visit this page to learn more.
This section contains documents and information regarding school facilities improvement projects. Access RFQs, agreements, project plans, schedules, board updates, and FAQs, showcasing the district’s commitment to enhancing educational environments.
This form is used to file a claim against SVUSD for injury or damages. Please review the warning on the form regarding potential cost recovery.
Click here to access documents related to AB 1200, which ensures fiscal accountability and oversight of California school districts through budget and financial report reviews.
Approved financial plans for each fiscal year, detailing the Sonoma Valley Unified School District's anticipated revenues and expenditures.
Interim reports provide a snapshot of the district's financial condition during the fiscal year. These reports include detailed budget information, multi-year projections, and cash flow estimates, helping to ensure transparency and fiscal responsibility.
Unaudited Actuals provide preliminary financial reports for California school districts, detailing revenue and expenditure data before the final audit.
Audit reports provide detailed reviews of SVUSD's financial statements and ensure compliance with accounting standards and fiscal responsibility.
Bond audit reports provide detailed financial reviews of bond fund expenditures and ensure compliance with approved projects and financial standards.
Archive of County Review Letters, including responses and evaluations of SVUSD's adopted budgets and interim financial reports. These documents provide insights into the county's review and feedback on the district's financial planning and compliance.
Developer Fee Reports provide detailed accounts of income, expenditures, and fund balances related to developer fees. These reports ensure transparency and compliance with financial regulations for school improvement projects.
The EPA Funding and Expenditures Reports detail the allocation and use of funds from the Education Protection Account. These reports provide transparency on how the funds are utilized to support educational programs and services.